Industrial policy in the European Union


  • Oana Nicoleta Bucur
  • Grigore Silaşi West University of Timisoara


industry, industrial policy, European area, a single market, competitiveness, competition policy


Regarding industry, the bank in broad acceptation it consists of all firms producing identical or substitutable goods and services, these companies are engaged in a close race to meet similar needs as the same type of buyers.The evolution of industries is influenced by several factors: the pace of structural adjustment, adaptability to market requirements, the level of technological endowment, technical and financial capacity to attract financial resources for investment and technological upgrading, attractiveness to investors, usability of effective workforce, the development of services for industrial activity.The main objective of EU industrial policy is to strengthen international competitiveness, while providing its customers quality products at competitive prices. In shaping industrial policy, EU experience can provide a benchmark reference for defining the objectives, ways of action, specific tools and concrete measures to implement the policy. 


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How to Cite

Bucur, O. N., & Silaşi, G. (2010). Industrial policy in the European Union. Annals of Spiru Haret University. Economic Series, 10(1), 161–167. Retrieved from

