Paradigms of the e-economy. Opportunities for Romania
NTCI, open source, knowledge-based economy, multifactor productivityAbstract
The new economy or e-Economy represents the surging of growth generated since the end of the 1991-2000 decade by New Technologies of Information and Communication (NTIC). Consequently, the shift to the knowledge-based economy has triggered significant structural mutations in the GDP evolution, such as: the prices cutback, changes on the labor market (unemployment rate decrease), the multi-factor productivity strengthening, etc.The most meaningful are the modifications occurred in the international environment and in the mix politics in the United States of America. Strangely enough, the shift to NTIC finds our country in a quite advantageous position, in the sense that the generalized crisis may be overcome by investing in NTIC; the resources are at hand, except for the capital for the non-involvement of the national economy into large industries that feature new technologies, but rather morally worn out.References
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