Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020)
CONTENTSTrauma and Dissociation [5]CORNELIU IRIMIAABSTRACT: This article regards trauma mainly from the perspective of the dissociative phenomena that occurs during and after the traumatization process. Trauma often leads to extreme states of mind that one cannot understand, work through or integrate without psychological and psychotherapeutical tools. Dissociation plays an essential role in the psychic development of the traumatized person. Dissociative phenomena occur not only in the traumatic context: they can continue transforming the personality during the later stages of life, creating even more complex and damaging psychological structures, as we can see in post-traumatic stress disorder, dissociative disorders, borderline personality disorder and so on. An “internal care system” can develop, so that the retraumatization never takes place again. But the costs are very high, since the affected person is no longer able to feel himself/herself truly alive, possessing a coherent sense of self and getting in contact with both inner experience and the external world.Keywords: trauma, primary, secondary and tertiary dissociation, psychological survivalsystemSophocles’ Oedipus Rex at Pasolini [20]PANAGIOTIS ASIMOPOULOSABSTRACT: The tragic figure of Sophocles’ “Oedipus the King” functions diachronically as a favourite thematic basis of inspired creations and unparalleled artistic incarnations. The unconventional character of the legendary hero harmoniously adopts the dramatic codes of the ancient Greek tragedy. It emphatically expresses Oedipus’ existential agony which is transformed into metaphorical and mystical autobiography. He is strongly opposed to the relentless imperatives of the unpredictable Fate and he succumbs to the consequences of his shameful actions. However, the high moral and the amazing bravery lead Oedipus to his redeeming self-purification. He reasonably exercises a catalytic influence on later scholars, as he provokes the striking interest of ground-breaking theatre writers. Thus, in 1968, in the surrealist film “Edipo re”, Pasolini formalistically achieves the experimental interpretationof the ontological parameters that are closely related to the mythical background. At the same time, the filmmaker re-examines the primordial diptych of love and death. He portrays his problematic approach to cinematographic poetry and articulates an utmostmodernistic discourse that is a perfect combination between pragmatic passions and dreamy elements. The anti-spiritual hero gradually emerges as a sacrificial victim of the entire social system; he enters into the intricate aspects of the collective subconscious; herecreates urban conventional mind-sets and breaks down crystallized structures. Although he is deeply aware of his inevitable crash, he predicts the violent release from the historical context and the radical redefinition of the physical order.Keywords: “Oedipus Rex”, Sophocles, tragedy, Pasolini.Career Management in Nowadays Education System [30]SEBASTIAN CRISTIAN CHIRIMBULARISA SADOVEIABSTRACT: The issue of career management of accredited teachers is increasingly being addressed as a strategic priority of the policies of management of teaching staff at institutional level. A teacher is a key figure for every education system, including the national education system. The mission of teachers is to improve the education system, to implement student-centred learning based on learning outcomes, to train skills, attitudes, etc. In this context, the education system acquires a central role and the teacher becomes one of the main actors in the society. In this perspective, teacher training must be an essential strategy to ensure the adaptation of the education system to the requirements of today’s society and, at the same time, to ensure the quality of the educational process. As education systems are characterized by dynamism, the continuous training of teachers is transformed into an important lever to ensure the necessary reorientations of education.Keywords: career, teaching career, education, professionalization, continuous training.The Therapeutic Potential of Odor Evoked Autobiographical Memories [38]TEOFILA RĂDEANUDRAGOȘ CÎRNECIABSTRACT: The main objective of this study was to establish the impact of autobiographical recollection evoked by olfactory stimuli training on reducing stress. The practical objectives were to study the impact that autobiographical memories recollection training has reducing stress level. Two groups of subjects, women and men, aged between 20 and 45 years, were targeted for this study: group 1 of 29 subjects participated in the experimental group; group 2 of 30 subjects participated in the control group. The obtainedresults led to the conclusion that the autobiographical recall training through olfactory stimuli decreases the stress level. After the autobiographical recall evoked by olfactory stimuli training, the differences between the control group and the experimental group, in Post Test, were significant, as well as easiness in remembering dreams. Implications for practice and directions for future research are discussed.Keywords: autobiographical memory, odour-evoked memories, stress, therapyNeurocinema/tics, the (Brain)Child of Film and Neuroscience [46]RAMONA L.CECIUABSTRACT: This paper examines the evolution of cinema since its initial paradigms to the present-day experiments where film and neuroscience have joined to give birth to a new form of art – the ‘scientific art’ of neurocinematics. It looks at the inter- and multidisciplinary exchange between psychology, cognitive sciences, film, neuroscience and neuromarketing, their instruments of research and their input in the creation of neurocinema. The main argument of this article is that neurocinema dismisses classical notions of realism, authorship, film language and signification, to become an instrument of probing and modelling the human mind, emotional response, and behaviour according to specific objectives. In this context, the paper surveys studies highlighting the main cognitive processes involved in film viewing, the benefits and disadvantages of employing neuroimaging techniques in filmmaking, as well as the effects of neurocinematics on spectator’s perception, cognition and emotion triggered in the complex dialogical interaction between films and audiences.Keywords: neurocinema, film[ology], neuroscience, psychology, cognition, emotion. Çiftlik Bank: A Tragicomic Fraud as an Example of Politicization of the Discourseabout Nutrition Sector in Contemporary Turkey [63]DENİZ YOLDAŞABSTRACT: Politicizing of consumption like the boycott is a part of modern life.Politicizing of nutrition production discourse as a fraud in contemporary Turkey is a unique example of Turko-Islamist ruling ideology’s instrumentalization in the nutrition sector.Çiftlik Bank by Turkish Capital Market Board is a Ponzi scheme. The founder is a 27 years old young Turkish amateur failed internet phenomenon and amateur rap singer Mehmet Aydın. From 2016 to 2018, Mehmet Aydın collected approximately 128 million USD from 80.000 victims. He fled to Uruguay. The aim of the study is to discuss the social, economic and political root of “easily conned” practices in the Turkish society’s common mind-set in making a semiotic analysis of the Çiftlik Bank’s founder Mehmet Aydın’s speech. From Çiftlik Bank’s Youtube account three videos are used as the materials of the study. The method is a semiotic discourse analysis method of Raymond Williams, cultural materialism.Mehmet Aydın’s discourse utilizes Tayyip Erdoğan’s elements. It could be evaluated ludicrous, absurd and surreal for a commercial business. The economic infrastructure of the Turkish society could be evaluated as a coherent base for anti-democratic, ultra-nationalist, xenophobe, revanchist and dogmatic dominant collective minds. For this type of mind-set,easily conned could stay as a frequented and associated practice.Keywords: politicization, nutrition, food, farming, AKP.