

pervasive business intelligence, dashboard, metrics, KPI


The utility of BI solutions is accepted all over the world in the modern organizations. However, the BI solutions do not offer a constant feedback in line with the organizational activities. In this context, there have been developed pervasive BI solutions which are present at different levels of the organization, so that employees can observe only what is most relevant to their day-to-day tasks. They are organized in vertical silos, with clearly identified performance and expectations. The paper emphasizes the role of pervasive BI solutions in reaching the key performance indicators of the modern organizations, more important in the context of crisis.    

Author Biography

Rocsana Tonis (Bucea-Manea), Spiru Haret University

Junior Lecturer in the FACULTY OF ECONOMIC SCIENCES, PhD cd, with 10 years of academic careerDesigner of many web sites, such us:1. ICESBA: Research: http://cercetare.spiruharet.ro3. Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People: http://jedep.spiruharet.ro4. Annual Conference on Applied Mathematics and Informatics: Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research: Simpozion National USH 2011: Centrul de Studii si Mobilitati Europene:http://csme.spiruharet.ro8. Annals of Spiru Haret University: has participate in international projects such as: Leonardo Da Vinci, Preparing Trainers in the Spirit of a High Quality Educational System Vicenza, Italy (2006) Short Term Scientific Mission Gender and Well Being, Sassari, Sardegna, Italy (2009).Rocsana is passionate of Web marketing, Marketing Simulations and Open Source Technologies.Further details on publications and research results visibility on:


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How to Cite

Tonis (Bucea-Manea), R. (2011). PERVASIVE BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE SOLUTIONS. Annals of Spiru Haret University. Economic Series, 11(1), 127–136. Retrieved from

