The strategic analysis in the modern management of the company
strategic analysis, modern management, marketing, diagnosis, company, financial diagnosisAbstract
The present study addresses the strategic analysis within the modern management of a company. At first we presented the principles of the strategic analysis and then we exposed its role and characteristics. In the end we compared it with other types of analyses.The present paper purpose is to present the role and the importance of the diagnosis analysis. At first, we exposed the principles of the diagnosis analysis. Secondly, we separated the financial diagnosis generally speaking and the diagnosis analysis of the companies in difficult situations. Then we presented the elements involved in determining a deeper diagnosis, as being: the products, the clients, the employed, the production process, the rivalry and the suppliers.References
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How to Cite
MOROŞAN, I. (2010). The strategic analysis in the modern management of the company. Annals of Spiru Haret University. Economic Series, 10(3), 189–195. Retrieved from