Air quality in Romania. Main pollutant emissions and financing possibilities for emission reduction


  • Ildiko IOAN Carmen Valentina RĂDULESCU, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment Economy Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies


air pollution, emissions reduction, large burning installations, financing, Romania


Air is the environmental factor which is the most important for pollutants transport because it is the support for the fastest transportation throughout the environment. Reducing polluting emissions in air remains a field in which there are needed important investments, considering the commitments assumed by Romania for reducing emissions and the poor quality of the air in certain areas. The paper analyzes the evolution of the main emissions, respectively the ones coming from large burning installations and greenhouse gases and identifies financing possibilities for the reduction of those emissions by using structural and cohesion funds or by using state aid schemes.   


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How to Cite

IOAN, I. (2011). Air quality in Romania. Main pollutant emissions and financing possibilities for emission reduction. Annals of Spiru Haret University. Economic Series, 11(1), 165–173. Retrieved from

