The classical labour theory of value and the future of American power


  • Doru TSAGANEA Ph.D. in Mathematical Economics* Ph.D. in International Relations Associate Professor of Mathematics and Economics Metropolitan College of New York


economic and financial crisis, labor theory of value, military power, economic power, sustainable development


In the present article the author makes an eloquent inquiry regarding the current economic and financial crisis and its relationship with the classical labour theory of value. The author realized a full synopsis about economical, social and military evolution of America after the Second World War until nowadays, stressing out the assertion that “the military power is depending on the economic one”.As a conclusion, the author presents some of the key actions and policies strongly needed for The United States in order to remain the preeminent superpower of the world in the 21st century.


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How to Cite

TSAGANEA, D. (2010). The classical labour theory of value and the future of American power. Annals of Spiru Haret University. Economic Series, 10(4), 15–39. Retrieved from

