How functional measurement of the traditional foods can raise the knowingness of old recipes used in Romania and Diaspora


  • Luigi Fillippo Fillippo DANTUONO Universita di Bologna
  • Carmen Costea Spiru Haret University Bucharest
  • Larisa MIHOREANU Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest
  • Adrian VASILE Erste Bank Vienna



sustainable development, healthy food, traditional food, consumer awareness


The present research continues a European project on “sustainable exploitation of bioactive components from the Black Sea Area traditional foods”. Known as Base Food, it was a collaborative program, funded by European Union under the 7th Framework Programme, few years ago. The initial research brought together scientists from countries situated around the Black Sea together with consultants from Italy, United Kingdom, Greece, Portugal and Serbia. Farther the medical, nutritional and technological approaches (Campos S., Doxey J., & Hammond D., 2011, pp. 1496-1506) in the initial project, the Romanian team initiated a unique and outstanding valuable contribution and extended the local research towards socio-economic tracks. Thus, specific aspects were analysed and detailed within certain doctoral programmes. The present paper is emphasizing farther elements, remained collateral, when the main research was considered.


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How to Cite

DANTUONO, L. F. F., Costea, C., MIHOREANU, L., & VASILE, A. (2016). How functional measurement of the traditional foods can raise the knowingness of old recipes used in Romania and Diaspora. Annals of Spiru Haret University. Economic Series, 14(4), 9–20.

