The role of the accounting in the evolution of the Romaniane economy


  • Florin COMAN Lecturer Faculty of Accounting Financial Management Spiru Haret University


users, financial-accounting information, fiscal statements, comparability, transparency, development


Accounting has a very important role in offering useful information to the interested users, and they are able to take decisions based on this essential information.A very important part of the development of Romanian economy is represented by increasing  the quality  of the financial-accounting information. All these, along with increasing the quality of the fiscal statements, by offering multiple services of high rank to diverse trading companies.With a view to achieving an efficient level of comparability and transparency, the accounting information needs to be detailed and explained properly.    


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How to Cite

COMAN, F. (2011). The role of the accounting in the evolution of the Romaniane economy. Annals of Spiru Haret University. Economic Series, 11(2), 57–66. Retrieved from

