Short or long distance of animal transport done often in poorconditions can affect the welfare and health of animals. The EU andnational legislation in the field introduces more efficient rules toreducing the animal suffering during transport. The EuropeanParliament resolution on the protection of animals during transportshowed that current legislation has brought improvements in this areabut it is still far from satisfactory especially in terms of time journey inrelation with travel conditions (means of transport construction,microclimate, and methods of loading/unloading, supplies of food andwater, stop for watering, feeding and rest).The purpose of the study was to establish how the applicationof EU and national legislation has contributed or not to increase theanimal welfare during transport in our country. This study was basedon answers given by drivers and attendants (n: 840 participants) ofanimals involved in transport to some questions in the field. Resultsshowed that livestock transporters lined to current legislationrequirements thus ensuring the protection and animal welfare. This wasdue both to properly equipping vehicles, especially long-term transport,and training of the drivers and attendants of animals in order to obtainthe certificate of competence.The lack of knowledge regarding animal welfare duringtransport for all those involved in this topic – farmer, stockman, driverReferences
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/119EC and Regulation (EC) No 1255/97.
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