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CALOIAN, Florentin, Lecturer PhD Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest
Caloian, Florentin
Calota-Toma, Binca, ''Spiru Haret University", Faculty of Economic Sciences, Master in Integrated Business Management Bucharest, Romania
CĂTOIU, Iacob, Professor Ph.D. Faculty of Marketing The Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest
CATRINA, Ion Lucian, Lecturer Ph.D. Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest Postdoctoral Program “Performance and excellence in postdoctoral research in Romanian economic science domain”
CELI, Giuseppe, University of Foggia
CERNENCO, Luminiţa
CETINĂ, Iuliana, Professor Ph.D. Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Faculty of Marketing
CETINĂ, Iuliana, Professor Ph.D. Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest
Chang Lin, Boh
CHIRIAC, Suzana Elena, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest
CHIRIMBU, Adina Barbu, Lecturer Ph.D. Department of Specialized Languages Spiru Haret University
CHIRIMBU, Sebastian, Lecturer Ph.D. Department of Specialized Languages Spiru Haret University
CHIRIMBU, Sebastian, Lecturer Ph.D. Department of Specialized Languages, Spiru Haret University
CHIRIMBU, Sebastian, Lecturer Ph.D. Department of Specialized Languages, Spiru Haret University
Chirimbu, Sebastian, Spiru Haret University
CHIRIMBU, Sebastian, Lecturer Ph.D., Spiru Haret University, Faculty of Letters
CHIRIMBU, Sebastian, Lecturer PhD Spiru Haret University, Faculty of Letters
CHIRIMBU, Sebastian, Spiru Haret University/PhD Valahia University of Târgovişte
CHIRIMBU, Sebastian, Spiru Haret University/ FINE (Romania)
CHIRIMBU, Sebastian Cristian, Spiru Haret University/ Institute of Research, Policies and Assessment in Education APDP Romania
CHIRU, Claudiu, Lecturer Ph.D. Department of Informatics, Constanţa, University Spiru Haret
CHIRU, Claudiu (Romania)
CHIRU, Claudiu, Spiru Haret University, 32-34 Unirii Street, Constanta, Romania
CHITEA, Mihai Alexandru, Institute of Agricultural Economics Romanian Academy, Bucharest

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