About the Journal
Journal of Communication and Behavioural Sciences is published biannually (in July and December) in one volume per year by the Publishing House România de Mâine Foundation, being the publication of the Faculty of Pychology and Education Sciences in Bucharest within Spiru Haret University. It is an international peer-reviewed journal with all contributions being refereed anonymously by acknowledged international experts in the field. Its scope includes the history of communication and behavioural sciences, the professional practice of communication, psychology, cognitive science, and anthropology, communication and behavioural sciences training and education, and communication and behavioural sciences practice and new technology. The journal will provide both scholar and industry practitioners the opportunity to publich and read applied research, and will include research papers, invited essays, and reviews of books. Journal of Communication and Behavioural Sciences is interdisciplinary and publishes both theoretical and empirical work and contributed to the social, economic, political, cultural and practical understanding of communication and behavioural sciences. It includes contributions on current developments and historical changes within communication, psychology, cognitive science, and anthropology.
Journal of Communication and Behavioural Sciences (ISSN 2668-9650) is the successor of the Annals of Spiru Haret University. Journalism Studies (ISSN 1454-9492) which was active between 2000 and 2019, being published annually until 2011, and biannually from volume 12 onwards.The decision to change the title of the journal was made following the increasing requests that we received lately from our collaborators who were interested in publishing their studies in the field of Behavioural Sciences. At the same time, from the desire to narrow the research area of the topics of the articles in the journal, but also taking into account the new research trends at international level, we decided that the new title is more suited to the content that the journal hosts starting with 2020.
Current Issue
Journal of Communication and Behavioural Sciences
Journal of Communication and Behavioural Sciences invites for publication in our next issue (July 2024) papers on various topics spanning areas in interdisciplinary studies from social sciences, psychology, neuroscience, health, behavioural and cognitive sciences, to communication, education and humanities, focused on both theoretical and methodological perspectives applied in contemporary research. The papers may investigate (but are not restricted to) themes related to modern life and the human being at the intersection between psychology and technology, at the intersection between science and society, as well as between arts and culture, psychology and quantum physics, psychology and wellbeing, or even methodological approaches to and research studies in spirituality and the impact of spiritual practices on human health; the themes may also be related to research studies in mindfulness and consciousness, the brain and the ego, or self, identity and self-image in today’s world, education challenges, innovations and new research methods in psychology and interdisciplinary studies, or any other themes researched by authors.
Please see Author Guidelines .
Submission Deadline 30 April 2024
Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.
In order ot register to our journal please send us an email at jcbs@spiruharet.ro.