
  • Arpad Sallay
  • Elena Luiza Badic


Over February 2007-March 2008, 34 dogs of various breeds, aged between 10 and 14, were examined and studied. They had been diagnosed with mitral insufficiency. The aim of this paper is to reveal the correlation between the cephalic clinical manifestations (xerostomia, pharyngeal constriction, lingual changes, epiphora, the hyperaemia of the conjunctival mucous membrane and ceruminous hypersecretion with auricular hyperkeratosis) and the mitral insufficiency in dogs.  Xerostomia, pharyngeal constriction, lingual changes and epiphora were to be found in all the dogs, the hyperaemia of the conjunctival mucous membrane and the ceruminous hypersecretion with auricular hyperkeratosis were found in five dogs only. The x-ray photographs revealed the heart hypertrophy in all subjects, their heart exceeding the size of three intercostal spaces. Following the laboratory tests no specific bacterial or mycotic bacterial pathogenic flora was revealed. The clinical expression of the cephalic manifestations simultaneously with the heart disease and the radiological image and the negative results of the bacteriological or mycological examinations confirm the interdependence between facial manifestations and heart diseases. Key words: mitral insufficiency, xerostomia, epiphora, auricular hyperkeratosis, ceruminous hypersecretion, pharyngeal constriction


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