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DRĂGHICI, Mircea, Lecturer Ph.D. Faculty of Marketing and International Affaires Spiru Haret University
DRĂGOIU, Codruţa Ilinca, CS II National Institute of Scientific Research for Labour and Social Protection
DRAGOMIR, Lucian Octavian, Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine "King Michael I of Romania" from Timisoara
Dragomir, Robert, Spiru Haret University
Dragomir, Robert
DRAGOMIR, Robert Gabriel, Lecturer Ph.D. student Spiru Haret University
DRAGOMIR, Robert Gabriel, Lecturer PhD candidate Spiru Haret University The Faculty of Accounting and Finance Campulung Muscel (Romania)
DRAGOMIR, Robert Gabriel, Economics Department, Faculty of Accounting and Finance, Campulung Muscel, Spiru Haret University
DRAGOMIR, Robert Gabriel, The Faculty of Accounting and Finance Spiru Haret University (Romania)
DRAGOMIR, Robert Gabriel, Lecturer Ph.D. Faculty of Accounting and Finance, Campulung Spiru Haret University
DRAGOMIR, Robert Gabriel, Spiru Haret University
DRAGOMIR, Robert Gabriel, Spiru Haret University postdoctoral student, Romanian Academy
DRAGOMIR, Robert Gabriel, , Lecturer Ph.D. Student The Faculty of Accounting and Finance, Campulung Spiru Haret University
DRAGOMIR, Robert Gabriel
Dragut, Mariana, Spiru Haret University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Bucharest, Ro
DUMITRU, Cornelia, Institute of National Economy NIER, Romanian Academy
DUŢU, Mihai, SC PSV COMPANY SA, Research Department

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